Meet our investors – Daiwa Energy & Infrastructures

Categorised in: We are Onivia

Daiwa Energy & Infrastructure Co. Ltd. (DEI) is part of the Investment Division of Daiwa Securities Group Inc. As one of the leading, comprehensive financial service firms in Asia, Daiwa Securities Group operates core businesses such as Retail, Global Markets, Global Investment Banking, Asset Management, and Investment.

Under their unity within the group, they provide a broad range of services to various clients. Specific, DEI invests in renewable energy and infrastructure. DEI explores further opportunities in these sectors:

Renewable Energy:

  • Renewable energy power plant (solar, biomass (wood resource), biogas, wind (onshore & offshore), geothermal, hydro, energy from waste, etc.)
  • By-product (heat supply and greenhouse gas reduction credit, etc.)


  • Telecommunication (communication & network facility, data centre, etc.)
  • Transportation (airports, aircraft and parts, harbours, roads, railroads, etc.)
  • Utility system (water treatment/sewerage, power transmission system & storage facility, etc.)
  • Social infrastructure (government building, stadium, etc.).

DEI wants to expand its investing sector and to learn from the telecom markets in Spain with its investment in Onivia’s project. DEI will support the management team for the expansion and development of Onivia’s business together with Macquarie Capital and Aberdeen Standard Investments, which are also shareholders of the company.

We see that high-quality telecommunications demands are being expanded not only in Spain but also globally. DEI will accelerate our investments into the telecommunications business and will support the improvement of its quality, technological development, and innovation in the world.

This investment in Onivia also helps Daiwa Securities Group contributes to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals going forward. In particular,

[Goal 9]: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure:

“Through the expansion of the telecommunications sector and its quality improvement, we contribute to the foundation of technological development and innovation.”

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