Brand strategy

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Good design can be good business, but both are nothing without a clear and concise branding strategy. Before entering the visual identity of a brand, it is necessary to take some time to discover the vision and voice of the brand, and how to communicate this clearly to the target audience, your customers, through all the touchpoints.

Future Brand helped us to build our strategic brand platform, defining our personality trough some key points as the purpose, values, positioning and definitively, our brand idea. These are the set of elements that guide what we do, how and why, helping us make the big and small decisions.

The brand name is how our company introduces ourselves, it is the very first impression our customer receives. Future Brand identified what our name needs to communicate to attract our ideal customer. The name should reflect our company’s values and vision, and this is how we came to Onivia. A name comprised of: -onis (union, fusion, nexus) plus -via (path, journey). It describes the path along which travels that which unites us, people.


Finally, the logo is tremendously important as a visual representation of our products or services and it must be accompanied by the right branding. Our logo is the visual representation of connecting paths: “Data needs someone to be on the other side, ready to push us forward.” It is a pathway, it is connectivity.

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