Privacy policy

1- Website Owner

Pentacom Investments Spain Opco SL is the owner of the website, and therefore responsible for the information displayed on its website. Onivia and logo Onivia are trademarks of Pentacom Investments Spain Opco SL (hereinafter referred to as ” Onivia “). Given that it is Onivia’s intention to protect personal data, we will explain below what type of data we process, how we process it, and the use we make of this data. It will be understood, for the purposes of this Privacy Policy, a user will be any person who interacts with or browses the Onivia website. In compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data, we inform you that the personal data you provide will be treated confidentially and its collection has the following purposes set out in our Privacy Policy.

2- Responsible for data processing

The data controller is the legal entity that determines the purposes and means of processing personal data. The data controller decides how and for what purposes personal data is processed. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the data controller is Pentacom Investments Spain Opco SL, with registered office at Avenida de Europa 26 Bloque 1, CP 28224 – Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid); registered at the Commercial Registry of Madrid, under Volume 39121, Page, 30, Section 8, Sheet M-695085; and holder of Tax ID Nº. B-88368881. You can contact us through the email address:

3- How we collect your information

Directly from you: We collect the information you provide us by filling out the contact form on the website or by sending us an email (eg name, surname, email, and any other information you decide to send us). From the use you make of the website: you can use our website from any device. We use tools that help us understand how you browse our website. For further information, please visit our Cookies Policy.

4- What information we collect from you and for what purposes will we use it

In general, the personal data you provide us and that we obtain from you is used to process your requests and to inform you about opportunities that we believe will be of interest to you.

    • Contact information: We collect the information you provide us by contacting us, or by requesting information about the characteristics of the services we provide, through the form on the website or by sending an email (name, surname, email, and any other information you want to share with us: company, position, telephone); the purpose is to provide you with the requested information.
    • Information of commercial interest: we collect the information you provide us to send commercial communications about the products and/or services that Onivia provides (name, surname, email); the purpose is to send you commercial communications of our products and services by phone, postal mail, and email. 

In these two cases, the legal basis for processing your data is your consent.

    • Electronic Data: IP address, type, and identification of the device, type, and language of the browser, domain through which you access the website, browsing data, activity on the website. These data will be processed to guarantee the security of our website and information. In this case, the legal basis for processing your data is the legitimate interest in providing a secure environment and avoiding damage to Onivia’s Systems and the information of its users, as well as unauthorized access and improper use thereof.
    • Information about how you browse our website: the information collected is used to measure the activity of the website, to know how you interact with the website, in order to introduce improvements to the service (eg information about the browser you are using and your IP address). Please see our Cookies Policy for more information. In this case, the legal basis for processing your data is your consent.

5- How to revoke a consent

When the basis of data processing is consent, you can revoke it at any time by sending us a communication to accompanying a copy of your ID or document proving your identity, indicating your address for communication purposes and providing the necessary details to process your request. You can always contact us through any of the channels indicated in this Privacy Policy. If you prefer not to receive commercial communications, you can inform us at any time through the indicated channels.

6- How long do we store the information

Onivia will store your personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected or as long as you do not exercise your right to withdraw or revoke your consent, in addition to the periods established in the law for files and documentation.

7- With whom can we share information?

Onivia will only share or give third parties access to your personal data when doing so is necessary to achieve one of the objectives described below and in accordance with current legislation: a) Our suppliers: Onivia will disclose or allow access to your personal data to companies that provide us with services under a contract, when this is necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. b) Legal Obligations: Onivia may disclose your personal data when the transfer is necessary to comply with a legal obligation, including transfer to the competent authorities, judges and courts. This includes compliance with the requests made by the authorities pursuant to Spanish Law 10/2010, of April 28th, on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.

8- Rights as a user

You have a series of rights in relation to the collection and processing of your personal data:

  • Right to be informed, access, rectification, erasure, restrict processing, data portability and object. You also have.
  • Right to revoke consent: In cases where we have obtained your consent for the processing of your personal data in relation to certain activities (for example, in order to send you commercial information), you may withdraw this consent at any time.
  • Right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority: right to submit a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency, whose details can be consulted at

You may exercise your rights by sending notice to, along with a copy of your national identification document or documents that prove your identity, specifying your address for communication purposes and providing us with the details required to process your request.

9- Links or third party websites

In Onivia, the security measures adopted are the measures required by law for each type of treatment. Our website may have links, plug-ins that refer to third-party websites (See Twitter, Linkedin, among others). This Privacy Policy does not cover the websites of these third parties. You must read the Terms of use of those websites.

10- Update

Our website may modify this Privacy Policy based on new legislative, regulatory requirements or to adapt this policy to the instructions issued by the competent authorities.

When significant changes occur, the user will be informed according to the requirements stipulated by law and by means of an informative notice on the website.


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